24 August 2007

What I Love .... this week's version

I love watching the sunset from a boat in the harbour - it's so peaceful.
I love the anticipation of good friends and family coming for a visit.
I love the feeling I get when I push my body to its physical limit while doing a sport - it always amazes me just how strong and determined I can be!
I love feeding my soul with some culture. Last night I saw Mahler's Symphony of a Thousand - full orchestra, solo opera singers, and a full choir of about 70. Goosebumps.
I love having those "Aha!" moments following difficult situations. I need a good attitude shift every now and then.
I love meeting new people and finding that you can sit and talk to them for hours - like you've known them for a while.
I love the building excitement of a new school term. And I love that every course that I'm teaching this year is new to me.
I love tucking my little B into bed at night. Best hugs ever.

Happy weekend everyone!


Blogger Sally T. said...

Do your boys like school? Is it a happy time when they go back? I like having some of my day back but it's melancholy at first because I also like having them around. And R. is much more relaxed in the summer.

11:40 am


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