3 August 2007

2 Odds do not make a Normal

Great title, huh? Big thanks to my friend C.G. for coming up with that one. We were talking about the trials and tribulations of dating a man called Flake, of whom I have had a semi-involvement with recently (see previous posts). Flake is an enigma, and has a tendancy towards the odd. Which I love - different is so interesting, non? Anyhow, I must point out the fact that I think that I can be quite different as well - odd, mysterious, bizarre .... these are some of the words that people have used to describe me. I've been told that these words are meant to be taken in a good way, as opposed to a Crispin Glover freaky-weird kind of way. What is normal anyway?

So get this - I have a book called "The Secret Language of Birthdays" that essentially spells out an individual's personality based on their date of birth. I looked up Flake's description this morning and nearly choked on my coffee! It actually said that people born on his birthday have a flake factor - they are constantly changing directions and are attracted to exciting and unstable situations. In fact, this particular birthdate is called The Day of Exciting Instability. Overall strengths: daring, exciting, magnetic. All true from what I've seen so far. Weaknesses: unstable, flighty, sexually obsessive. Great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, two odds definitely do not make a normal... but normal is so totally overrated, don't you think?
I'm a shining example of Odd - so are you, and so - it seems - is Flake.
Freaky about the birthday too... does yours reflect who you are? What about mine?

10:13 pm


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