7 August 2007

Old Friends

There is nothing better than getting together with old friends - people who have known you for years and years. My friend Matt was in town from New Zealand this weekend, and we spent Saturday evening drinking, laughing, and playing poker until about 4am. (Okay, and maybe we indulged in a little illicit fun as well - for anyone who knows Matt, you know exactly what I'm talking about.) Yes, I played poker with the boys. And I won. It was especially gratifying because there was a rude little man (I'm not kidding about the little either - he was about 5 foot 2, 100 pounds, and lacking in social skills) who seemed quite irked that he had to play cards with a woman who didn't know the game. Everybody else was patient with me, but not little man. So sorry that I had to take your money little one.

Anyhow, back to Matt. And John and Todd. I've known these guys since university, and when we get together it's like no time has passed. We instantly fall into our old wacky ways - lots of razzing and raunchy one-liners. I miss having good male friends like this around. And they always make me feel like a million bucks - very attentive and complimentary. There is such a comfort in being around guys who aren't judging me, or trying to pick me up, or looking at me to try and determine whether I'm marriage material. Nope - just good old boys all around.

I so needed this evening. It inspired me. By sitting down and talking to the boys I realized that I've spent the summer holding back. Again. There are all sorts of things that I say that I want to do, but I'm really good at coming up with excuses as to why I can't do them. John, for example, has started dancing lessons this year and he has already been to a competition. He says that it has been an incredible (and social) experience. I can do that! He also attends many workshops and seminars - you know the ones that teach you about how to reach your fullest potential, or that give you insight into yourself. I've done one in the past and loved it - why aren't I doing more? Anyhow, the first thing that I did when I got home was sign up for a Learn to Row program that I've been wanting to do all summer. I haven't been able to find a friend to do it with (my excuse), but so what? The point is to have fun and meet new people and it's probably easier to do that when I don't have the comfort of a friend around.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Awesome! That's why I stay connected with y'all...surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you to be a better version of yourself. Right?

12:34 pm

Blogger vancouver said...

Wonderful, M! Sometimes we need the old friends who have known you forever to remind where we have gone astray. Archie does that for me. Those friendships are priceless!

5:33 pm


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