20 November 2007

Head rubs and Cheese

I am in no shape for a night of drinking. Make that 2 nights of drinking. My friend K was visiting this weekend, and we checked into the Hyatt in TO on Friday for an evening of excess. Fabulous dinner, great company, interesting conversations, and booze baby booze. I'm a lightweight to begin with, but I'm also smart. I pace myself. But the road to recovery the next morning is slow. K rubbed my head for about 1/2 hour (she gives the BEST head rubs) which seemed to do the trick.

And then we did the same thing again on Saturday night. K had the chance to meet Sparky and my best male buddy M - we sat around my place for a few drinks and K did up a cheese plate to end all cheese plates. $35 worth of cheese my friend .... and I don't eat cheese. So of course, the 3 of them couldn't manage to finish the enormous bricks of cheese before it was time to leave for our dinner reservation, and I've been trying to pawn the cheese off on anybody who will take it. Anyhow, evening #2 of fabulous dinner, great company, interesting conversations, and booze baby booze. Another head rub in the morning, but the cumulative effect of 2 nights of drinking had me moving slowly and gingerly. I just don't bounce back from these things like I did in my younger days.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Cheese and a head rub. I'd die of pleasure overload! Who doesn't like cheese?

10:25 am


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