15 October 2007

The Random Files

Top 5 Dead Celebrities:
1. Charles Schulz (the guy who wrote Peanuts - he's a celebrity to me!)
2. Lucille Ball
3. John Lennon
4. Diana Spencer (as in Princess Diana)
5. Gregory Peck

Cereal that Rox:
1. Lucky Charms
2. Cheerios
3. Frosted Mini Wheats
4. Grape Nuts
5. Special K

5 Easy Steps to impress me on a date:
1. Bring me flowers ... that you picked from your garden.
2. Tell me that I look pretty.
3. Ask me about what I'm looking for ..... and be honest about what you're looking for.
4. Talk to me for at least an hour about all the cool concerts that you went to in the 80's (and no, Van Halen doesn't count).
5. Set a date for when you're going to call/see me again - and actually follow through.

Top Reasons to NOT Blog:
1. Time consuming.
2. I'm not a literary genius, no matter how much I think that I am.
3. All that whining and moaning can't be good for you.
4. Private thoughts should be kept .... wait for it ..... private.
5. People might not "get" me. (Like I've never had to deal with that in my life.)

I'm tagging: Sally, Karen, Caitlin, Jane, and Deb to continue on!


Blogger Sally T. said...

Now we're talkin'...I love these! I'll do it first thing tomorrow for my Tuesday blog. Thanks, Marta :)

8:03 pm

Blogger vancouver said...

love the list...got me going again after a long absence from writing.thank you

12:42 am


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