26 September 2007

You talkin' to me?

Have you ever seen the movie LA Story with Steve Martin? It's one of my favourite movies. It completely makes fun of the LA culture and its pretentiousness. Steve is a guy who is caught up in the BS of his LA life, and when he starts to look around he realizes how unhappy he is and how much he wants to change things. And he starts getting messages from a digital traffic board on the freeway - cryptic messages that ultimately point him in the right direction.

So why am I telling you this? Well, I've been feeling mighty frustrated and impatient as of late. In lots of different areas of my life. The other morning I fell fast asleep on the train and when I woke up in Toronto and looked out the train window, there was a digital message board that said "See the beauty that is around you and be happy." Holy shit - like right out of the movie. I know that I'm making a big deal out of it, but just give me my moment of divine intervention here.

That particular morning I was feeling like crap because I vented about men to somebody that I really like. Stupid, groping men that were around me all weekend. And I offended this poor guy because he thought that I was referring to him. All my frustrations came pouring out. And he probably thought that I was a complete whack-job. But stupid groping men triggered a very negative reaction in me and I lashed out.

So the message was clear - I need a mental shift in order to see the beauty again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that little occurrence in your day beautiful in itself? Wow. There are so many little things in every day that are beautiful - sometimes maybe we're just too busy or mopey to see them. I think you already notice the beautiful things, Marta - maybe you just need to pay them more attention and assign them more worth.
Speaking of beauty... off to watch ANTM. (Sorry - that ruined it, didn't it?).

8:05 pm

Blogger Sally T. said...

The signs are always there; we just have to choose to pay attention to them. Sounds like you're listening :)

9:56 pm


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