8 May 2007

In honour of a wonderful man
I'm writing this entry today with thoughts for my good friend C who is sitting somewhere on a beach in Honduras, probably sipping a cold beer and hopefully smoking a nice fat one. C is trying to figure out his direction in life and who he really is. For so many years, he put his heart and soul into a company and ecological venture that he believed in, and a few months ago he was forced to shut everything down, declare bankruptcy, move, and end relationships that he had established over the years.

C - it is no surprise to me that people cried when you told them that you had to shut down. It's not often, if ever, that you come across a man who sacrifices everything for what he believes in. Few people have the passion that you do. You have no idea how many lives you have touched with your unselfish acts, inquisitive nature, devilish sense of fun, and charm. You are a terrific person to talk to, and one of only a very few in my life that dares to ask hard questions and look deep within himself to find the answers. I totally get what you're going through - you have no idea how much I get it! You're so brave too - call it a mid-life crisis if you want to, but I can only imagine what this world would be like if we all took the time to get to know ourself and our place on this planet. I call that responsible.

I am so glad that you caught my eye over 20 years ago, and that I've had the opportunity to get to know so many different facets of you. You make me realize that there are some really great men out there (and I think you know how much I need to realize that). Take your time to think and re-energize your body and spirit. Just remember to come back and live in this world and not just in your head! And if you're lonely and need a friend or familiar face, then just say the word and I am on a plane to Central America to stir up some trouble with a much-loved friend.


Blogger vancouver said...

Wow..that sounds like an amazing person!!!! You are lucky to have someone like that in your life.

It isn't anyone from the old days, is it?

9:36 pm

Blogger Sally T. said...

Goosebumps. I think I know who C is and I liked him a bunch back then.

10:47 am

Blogger Marta said...

I'm sure that you both know him. We dated in university - when I was living with the Black Elvis girls in the summer of 88. Good times. Love him for the wonderful person that he is.

7:49 pm


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