16 May 2007

9 Days to go ......
Paris, here we come! May 25th cannot come fast enough. Yesterday I booked some day trips to the Loire Valley to see the incredible chateaus, and to Mont St Michel (the fortress in the picture). This trip has turned out to be a big money trap, but I don't care! It's so worth it, and I might not be back to France for many years to come. The next European adventure that I'll try to do is a few weeks in Italy .... I always pictured going there for my honeymoon or with a man, but I've decided that I just need to stop waiting ('cause either of those conditions might not happen) and DO IT.
This time around, we have rented an apartment in Paris - close to the Eiffel Tower. I never did see the tower at night with all the lights when I was there last year (too chicken to venture out in the dark by myself), so I'm looking forward to that this year. And I'm going to try and make it to Versailles as well - I heard that it's spectacular. Lots of cafes, red wine (cheaper than pop, I kid you not), baguettes, and pastries. I will try to keep evil-travel-stomach at bay this year so that I can indulge.


Blogger Sally T. said...

God, I wish I was coming with you.

11:42 am

Blogger sassy girl said...

Oh, how I miss France after reading your blog... I haven't been in almost 8 years! Go to Versailles if you can, it's beautiful! And next time try the south of France. I spent a week in the Ardeche region, it was lovely. Next I want to go to Provence!

5:50 pm

Blogger Marta said...

I didn't manage Versailles last time either, and was told by somebody that grew up in Paris that it is a must see. Also going to the Loire Valley and Brittany areas. So much to see - so little time.

6:41 pm


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