11 May 2007

Prime Minister Harper thinks you're an idiot and other stories
Yes, it's true - our wonderful Conservative government thinks that Canadians are morons. That we can't see through their "ground-breaking" environmental plan with its empty words and bogus regulations. That we don't realize that it doesn't hold big industry accountable for the damage that they do because the rich industry bastards need to keep getting richer so that they can support the government that is striving to be like our neighbours to the south. And I love what bullies this government is turning into - anybody who criticizes the federal government finds themself in big trouble. Take the employee of Environment Canada who was seized by the Mounties at work this week and marched out of his office in handcuffs. He is being accused of "leaking" information about the Tories "green" plan ..... bad news for the government because it is blatantly obvious that they intend to abandon its Kyoto Protocol commitments. Funny how nobody has been publicly humiliated or arrested for the numerous pro-government leaks that helped the Conservative cause ......

More craziness .... A hospital in Japan has opened an anonymous "drop box" for unwanted infants. The idea behind the box is to discourage abortions (yes, it's a Catholic-run hospital) and abandonment of infants in unsafe public places. When a baby is left in the incubator an alarm goes off which notifies hospital staff. Aparently similar boxes already exist in Germany and South Africa.

Crazy shit #3 .... Investigators believe that the 3-year old British girl that was stolen from her hotel room in Portugal was taken as part of a pedophile ring. Fuck. I can't even imagine what her parents are going through.

Final crazy news .... Two 10-year old boys in Florida thought that it would be fun to beat and stone a homeless army veteran with a concrete block. The 2 boys and a 17-year old friend (what teenager hangs out with 10 year old boys?) ganged up on the poor man as he was walking through their neighbourhood. He was so severly injured that he had to undergo reconstructive surgery. The parents of these boys must be so proud.


Blogger vancouver said...

with regard to the 3yr old in Portugal, it stated in the papers here that she went missing from the hotel room while the parents were out for dinner at a local restaurant. Don't get me wrong, I can't imagine what the parents are going through, but leaving my 3 year old alone in a hotel room in a foreign country while I went out for dinner is WAY beyond my confort level.

9:27 pm

Blogger Marta said...

I hear ya. But apparently they were dining a few metres from their hotel room and could see it from their table. That (bad) decision will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

3:44 pm


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