15 May 2007

Incompetence irritates me. I called the bank this morning to make sure that they had enough Euros to sell to me. The woman on the phone, Jodie, tells me that they have the amount that I want and all I have to do is come in anytime and approach any teller who will help me. WRONG.

So I went to the bank, and when I asked the teller for the Euros she tells me that she only has about 50 (I need 1000 - remember that Jodie verified that they have this amount). She then goes looking for the "head teller" who can get some more, but the "head teller" is on her lunch break and I'll have to wait about 45 minutes. And I should have called ahead of time. I smiled politely and explained that I talked to somebody this morning who said that it wouldn't be a problem. Oh. She then checked to see if I had reserved the money ..... no, I wasn't told that I had to do that. When she asked who I talked to, I gave her Jodie's name. And wouldn't Ms Jodie be standing right behind me. SHE THEN PROCEEDED TO TALK ABOUT ME IN THE 3RD PERSON and said "Yes I talked to somebody but she didn't say when she would be coming in today." Huh?!?!?

At this point I was ready to fucking freak - I mean full out ape-shit crazy freak on Jodie. But I just smiled, picked up my keys, and without saying another word to these 2 fine specimens of customer service, I silently walked out the bank door, across the street to another bank where they were more than happy to sell me 1000 Euros. Nice going Jodie. Guess you won't be receiving the Customer Rep award of the month.


Blogger Sally T. said...

LOL, Marta!

I would have marched back to Bank 1 and waved the euros in Jodie's face exclaiming, "I'm going to Paris in 2 weeks. And you will be counting other people's money...meh."

10:13 pm

Blogger Marta said...

Nice. I like the way that you think Sal ...

2:08 pm


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